School Selected:
Teacher Selected:
Instrument Selected:
New or Used:
Initial Payment:



Additional Notes (If you need a book or other accessories that aren't listed above, note them here and we will add them to your order):

Maintenance — Free for the First Year

Delivery Options

Customer Details

Account Number (if you already have one):

First and Last Name: (REQUIRED)


Address: (REQUIRED - Must be verified by Kline staff)





Do you own or rent your home?: (REQUIRED)

How long have you lived there?: (REQUIRED)

Home Phone: (REQUIRED)

Alternate (Cell) Phone:

Drivers License: (REQUIRED - Must be verified by Kline staff)

Drivers License State: (REQUIRED)

Employer: (REQUIRED)

Duration of Employment: (REQUIRED)

Work Phone: (REQUIRED)
Spouse Name (if unmarried, please write "N/A"): (REQUIRED)

Spouse Employer (if unmarried, please write "N/A"): (REQUIRED)

Duration of Spouse Employment (if unmarried, please write "N/A"): (REQUIRED)

Spouse Phone (if unmarried, please write "N/A"): (REQUIRED)

Spouse Work Phone (if unmarried, please write "N/A"):

Personal Reference 1: (REQUIRED)

Personal Reference 1 Phone Number: (REQUIRED)

Personal Reference 2: (REQUIRED)

Personal Reference 2 Phone Number: (REQUIRED)

Student (if different from renter):

Rental Notes


Credit Card Payment Information

* Please enter Full Name for Online Signature:     
I am over 18 years old and I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.